Want to get the scoop on your favorite restaurant or coffee shop? Ever wonder what's really going on behind the scenes at the local pizzeria?  Find out now via the Cumberland County Health Departments online food inspection report.
Search below by township to find your favorite facility. Check back often as the inspections are updated monthly. If you don't see your favorite eating place listed or you want to know more about a particular rating, call the Cumberland County Department of Health at 856-327-7080.
Satisfactory - Marked in black, the establishment is operating in compliance with the state food code. Foodservice personnel demonstrate that they are aware of and are practicing the required sanitation and food safety principles.
Conditionally Satisfactory - Marked in yellow, at time of inspection, the establishment was found not to be operating in compliance with the state food code. Based on the nature of the violations, an unannounced full reinspection will be conducted within a reasonable time determined by the severity of the violation.
Unsatisfactory - Marked in red, a retail food establishment is operating in violation of the state food code with one or more violations constituting gross unsanitary or unsafe conditions posing imminent health hazards. We immediately request that the establishment's manager voluntarily closes the facility until a reinspection verifies that conditions comply with the state food code.
Approved to Open - Marked in green, indicates a new establishment has been approved to open.
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